2022, 48x36 inches, Charcoal, Ink, Conte, Colored Pencil, Chalk on Paper
10% closing discount, new total: $1,168
** Please note that in order to keep my work accessible, installment payment plans are available. I am also happy to provide guidance on framing

"PULSE" Grew out of a body of work i developed drawing the same image repeatedly over the course of two months. The image, depicting droopy viney trees to the side of the Amtrack headed upstate, was obscured by the movement of the train and the raindrops on the window. I reflected on early practices of sketching in the back of my mom's car on family trips- a sense of wonder and urgency in trying to capture the world passing by. As the series developed, the work shifted in scale, this one compressed, more solid than others. the focus became more on form, contractions- ebs and flows. thus, the name "PULSE"